Go Freelance

Monday, February 15, 2010

Well, Here We Go...

Hi! I'm Jodie, also known as the Milspouse Writer. I am a military spouse currently living in Germany. Although that may sound amazing, and don't get me wrong, it really is, there are some setbacks to being married to the military. First of all, part of my job a lot of the time is being a single parent. My hubby takes off on TDYs, school, training, or even deployments and I'm left for weeks or months at a time with our young son, playing the roles of both parents. So, there's that.

Another biggie for me was giving up my career. When I married my husband, I had been working on moving up the ladder in my industry and was on-track to go into another aspect of my field within another year or two...but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Albeit, my former career wasn't all that anyway. I could've made it into a great career eventually, but where I was at the time wasn't great. But that's not the point, is it. The point is, it was mine. It was my 'thing that I do' that made me into who I was. But, having a job or career that you can just pick up and move across the country or overseas and continue on, well...that's a little difficult to come by.

So, once we landed in Germany I knew I was gonna have to figure out something else to do with myself. I mean, I'm not designed to be a housewife! I would definitely get way too bored with that. I had been a writer all my life, even in my career, and wondered if there was a way to make that work for me somehow. So, I went into freelance writing.

It didn't happen overnight. I lamented day after day over what I was supposed to do. It took me several months to really decide that's what I wanted to do. I bought a few books, did some online research, read a lot of blogs and newsletters and here I am.

I'm glad you're with me. This is a learning experience for me and I want to share all that I learn with you and help you on your journey as I explore all that is in this writing life. For a military spouse, freelancing from your home, building your business completely online is a wonderful way to keep your business going even when you don't know where in the world you'll end up next!



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